Cyber Security – Basics
The cyber-world becomes a more dangerous place every day. In this virtual world, networks are constantly being probed by hackers. They look to exploit security vulnerabilities in order to steal information.
Your network needs to be as secure as possible in order to prevent a security breach and possible data loss.
Here are 6 preventative measures you should implement to minimize the chance of a network intrusion.
Use Strong Passwords – A strong password is ideally 12 characters long and consists of UPPER and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
NEVER reuse the same password
Change your passwords frequently. Every 90 days or at least 2x per year.
Use a password manager to automate password creation and autofill. We recommend LastPass.
Install a Firewall – A firewall will lock down all be the essential ports (windows) into your network. It also allows you to filter content. A Content Filter prevents users from accessing websites used by hackers to launch attacks. Some firewalls offer Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). These types of firewalls are preferred as they analyze all traffic and reject any suspect packets.
Use a Centrally Managed Anti-Virus – A centrally managed anti-virus gives an administrator a global view of your network. Most disinfection happens automatically. This is not the case with many free anti-malware programs.
Get a SPAM Filter – Most hacker attacks are delivered via email. The most effective way to combat these attacks is to prevent the email from reaching end-users in the first place. An external SPAM filter is perfect for this.
Wi-Fi Security – If you are using an older Wi-Fi router in your workplace replace it. It is most likely using outdated security. If you have a newer Wi-Fi router make sure you are using WPA2 security. It has the strongest encryption. Follow the password recommendations listed above for both the Wi-Fi password and the administrator password.
Perform a Network Assessment – If you don’t know where your weak points are how can you fix them? Contact an IT Support company to perform a comprehensive assessment of your network. They will deploy software onto your network that detects potential security risks. Some IT companies will perform a network assessment for free. It’s worth asking around.