Business Continuity = BDR

What would you do if all of your Word docs, Excel files and PDF’s became encrypted? What would you do if your primary computer or servers’ hard drive failed and all of your data and software was irrecoverable? Do you have a business continuity plan?

Data is your business’ history; it’s lifeblood. Without it there is no business. What are you doing to protect it? What are you doing to keep your business running in case of a hardware failure, malware attack, fire or other disaster?

How much downtime can you afford?

If you have not thought through these questions and come up with a viable answer for each of them then please continue reading.

What is BDR?

BDR is an acronym for Backup and Disaster Recovery.

Most business owners will have some type of backup. Usually it’s a local backup to an attached external hard drive or a networked storage device. Sometimes this local backup is coupled with a cloud backup. Sometimes it’s only a cloud backup.

Having a backup of your data does not address Business Continuity.

If your main computer or server dies your and you have a verified, tested backup then your data is safe. However, you will not be able to access it as the computer that was “serving up” that data is down for the count.

How long will it take you to get a new computer or server? After you get it how long will it take to restore the data and all of its associated software?
Also, while it is less likely than a hardware failure catastrophes such as fire, flood or hurricane can and do happen. If your place of business in no longer accessible what will you do to continue to run your business?

With a proper BDR solution you will be able to access ALL of your data, software and computers in the cloud and continue to run your business from anywhere that there is an internet connection.

It’s imperative that every business have some type of business continuity plan in place in case of critical hardware failures or natural disaster. There are a wide array of business continuity solutions available at various price points that could have your business back up and running within minutes instead of days or weeks.


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